Google Earth image of Africa expansion

Per the RFP statement, listed below - Does this mean that AZP is looking to have a local firm prime the project, or is it sufficient to have a local firm included on the design team primed by a firm with zoo design expertise?

RFP statement: “Please note that AZP feels it is in the best interest of the community to contract with a local firm.  However, it is important that the design team have experience with immersion exhibit design.”   

AZP will not dictate the make of the design teams other than to say that it is important to the Akron Zoo to have local participation and Zoo specific design as the make-up of the design team.

Clarify utilizing an Integrated Project Delivery Method. Does the Zoo intend to use an actual IPD contract between Owner, Architect and Contractor, AIA C191 or; traditional Owner/Architect AIA B101 and CM at Risk A133?

The approach will utilize a CM-at-Risk and their agreement will be the A133. The designer’s agreement will be the B133 

The project description indicates there will be multiple, complex and environmentally sensitive habitats. We’d like to request a site plan, aerial image and/or other information available for the proposed project site area.

AZP has provided a snapshot of Google Earth (see above) showing the area in which the project can be located in RED. AZP is in the process of having surveys completed showing topography and utilities but we do not anticipate having them complete by the August 1 submission deadline. 

The project description indicates there will be additional mixed species in addition to giraffes. We’d like to request a preliminary list of these additional species being considered. This will help the design team properly scope our fees

AZP anticipates the main habitat to be a mixed species “savanna”. Giraffe being the only mandatory species. Other taxa and species that have been discussed include: hoofstock, avian, and small mammals, with the small mammals such as meerkat being in a separate habitat. 

A budget of $21 million is indicated. Is this the total project budget, or the hard construction budget? If it is the total project budget, we’d like to request an anticipated breakdown of this budget between hard construction and project soft costs.

 AZP has budgeted $21 million for the construction of the Africa Expansion project. 

The RFQ/RFP did not include the concept sketch. The Zoo’s site also includes information from the Hospital RFQ/RFP process.

AZP did not include concept sketches so as not to limit the creativity or pigeonhole the design of the project. Please refer to the RFP’s project description as well as responses to questions 3, 4, and 5 as parameters in defining the project program. 

Are there any pre-submission visits or virtual meetings, and do we need to register in any way prior to proposal submission?

There are no pre-submission visits or virtual meetings scheduled, nor are you required to register in any way prior to submitting.  

We’d like to propose a schedule that shows how we may roll out the project and would like to see if a January / February start would even be feasible for you and your timeline. This will guide our response to your RFP.r

AZP anticipates 24 months of construction provided the work starts in earnest, no later than summer/early fall of 2025. The Zoo would be comfortable with not starting design until Jan/Feb of 2024 as long as the design team can present a design schedule and narrative that meets these parameters while providing a thorough design process.  

Is there a site plan outlining the expansion area?

Please see question 3.

What other species are being considered besides Giraffes?

Please see question 4.

How many acres of land is available for the expansion?

AZP estimates the acreage of the land identified and available for the Africa Expansion project to be about 17 acres. 

Can you share the preliminary layout?

Please see question 6.

What is the herds design population?

AZP anticipates the maximum herd size to be 11 or 12 giraffe. 

How many males?

It is undetermined at this time.

I assume that the zoo plans on breeding them. Please confirm.

AZP anticipates that to be the case.