Looking for a great fall volunteer opportunity? We are looking for adult volunteers (age 18+) to help with Boo at the Zoo, a non-scary trick or treat experience for all ages!
Oct. 12 - 13, 19 - 20 & 26 - 27
Volunteer Shifts:
- 10 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. (9 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. on Oct. 28)
- 1 - 4:15 p.m.
- 4 - 7:15 p.m.
You may sign up for more than one shift per day. Event occurs rain, snow or shine.
Boo at the Zoo allows guests to explore the zoo and visit their favorite animals while collecting treats from 12 themed stations throughout the park. Volunteers at each treat station will be paired with a zoo volunteer (EdZOOcator) to mark off candy passports and hand out treats. EdZOOcators will help to quickly address questions or concerns during the event. We need approximately 24 volunteers for each of the three shifts to comfortably staff the event and make everything run smoothly for our ghosts and goblins.
Please note that this is NOT the signup link for EdZOOcators! If you are already an EdZOO, you can choose your volunteer shift here.
Boo Volunteer Welcome LetterSign Up for a Boo at the Zoo Shift
The Wednesday before your shift, you will receive detailed information regarding parking, check in location, etc. For additional questions or concerns, contact Shelley Orloski, Career Pathways Manager at boo@akronzoo.org, or call 330-375-2550 ex 7286.