What can you do in one hour? Take a nap? Catch up on your favorite TV show? What about help to save the world?
At 8:30 p.m. on the last Saturday of every March, people around the world are asked to take one simple action: turn off your lights for one hour. This event, known as Earth Hour, was started in 2007 to raise awareness for climate change. Unfortunately, though several years have passed, the climate crisis remains, and natural habitats are disappearing at the highest rate in 50 years. That is why the 2021 Earth Hour event is so important! Throughout 2021, there are several global forums and conferences planned in which representatives from around the world will join together to make environmental decisions for the next several years. By increasing global Earth Hour participation, we can ensure that climate change awareness is at the forefront of these conversations, and make a positive lasting impact on our environment.
Still, there is one key question that comes to mind as we think about flipping the switch: what am I going to do for 60 minutes in the dark? Well my friend, look no further for your inspiration because we have several fun and family-friendly activities for your Earth Hour celebrations! Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Have a Family Game Night! Everyone I know has a collection of board games somewhere in their house. Whether you enjoy Scrabble or Sorry!, Clue or Codenames, a candlelit board game night may be just what you need to light up your face instead of your lightbulbs.
- Enjoy a Bonfire or Backyard Camp Out! When was the last time you had a chance to look up at the stars and enjoy a cool spring breeze? With the weather warming up, tonight is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors.
- Family Olympics! We all wonder from time to time how our goofy talents can come in handy - and now you can find out! Challenge your family to made-up activities and minute-to-win-it style games to test your skills. If you don’t want to take turns making up your own games, you can also find several ideas on Pinterest and Google.
- Build a Rube Goldberg Machine! Gather everything you can think of - dominoes, books, toy cars, roller skates, etc - and line them all up to create an incredibly complicated machine. If you need inspiration, check out this video of a Rube Goldberg machine that simultaneously teaches you about green energy!
- Relax in the Candle Light. Perhaps you have had an incredibly long week and you would prefer a quiet evening at home. Light a few candles and enjoy a romantic dinner, a relaxing bath, or even a good old-fashioned book.
- Join in Virtually! Build a “home theater” or pillow fort with some cushions and blankets, then gather round your computer or smart TV to join in one of the many COVID-friendly, 2021 virtual earth hour events.
Nature is one of our most valuable resources, and we rely on it to combat climate change as well as provide food, medicines, livelihoods and joy. Please help us make a positive global impact by turning your lights off for an hour. Conservation is a choice, and in as little as one hour, you can make a positive impact for years to come!